Mia Groves

Chef Spotlight: Sahar Ahmed, Koshari Mama

Sahar (pictured right) and her daughter, Dina (pictured left), are the co-owners and chefs at Koshari Mama, a vegan Egyptian street food restaurant based in Somerville, MA. Jenn, from the High Time Foods team, had the honor of speaking with Sahar Ahmed, co-owner and chef at Koshari Mama. They spoke about the power in sharing food Chef Spotlight: Sahar Ahmed, Koshari Mama

Meat That Matters

The story of two entrepreneurs on a mission to impact global communities with shelf-stable plant-based protein. High Time Foods empowers chefs  with a nutritious, shelf-stable, cuisine-agnostic, plant-based meat-alternative that’s better for people and the planet. It’s High Time for Change Having grown up in a family of business-owners in India, Aakash Shah was no stranger to Meat That Matters